Trypanophobia. Do you have it? I know I have a slightly milder form of it, and more serious than mild anxiety. So what is it? It’s the name for a fear of “medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles”. And I almost never became a mother because of this fear! True!
Believe it or not, extreme fear and anxiety about needles can cause fainting in some. Whilst most of us do not suffer this extreme form, many of us, including me, the very thought of any needle pricking our skin creates enough gut-level, head-hurting, heart-stopping discomfort to avoid doing what’s good for us.
That includes getting #vaccinatedagainstcovid19 .
Knowing I am not alone with this morbid fear of needles (which I also know I “inherited” from my mum-sorry mum for dropping you in it!) I wanted to share a few personal tips.
Because I had MY first shot of the #Pfizervaccine on Monday past and IT WAS #PAINLESS!
Unfortunately this was not before I embarrassed myself making such a fuss about it that my husband felt compelled to be there with me and the nice young gentleman assigned to vaccinate me, had to take more than a few minutes to calm and reassure me.
Just in case you are like me though, I want to share here some tips to help you overcome this hurdle so you CAN and WILL do what is right – and get vaccinated!
1. DON’T look! So as the needle is approaching you – focus on chatting about anything else, start humming a song or reciting your favourite prayer – or just count 1 to 3. Seriously it only takes 3 seconds! (The needles they use are super thin you can hardly feel it)
2. DON’T tense your muscles – relax … especially that arm of yours as tense muscles will make it hurt…only a little….but you want it painless right? Refer to Step 1.
3. DO watch, look and observe the many people getting the vaccination on TV and those news bulletins. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is amazing how the more you get used to seeing something it “normalises” it in your head. Because it really is in your head.
4. DO talk to as many people who have done it already! They will reiterate and reinforce that belief that it really is a no-brainer to get vaccinated as they felt hardly anything.
5. DO KNOW that taking the vaccination is YOU doing what is right and good….and is in service to the ones you love and those that live and work with you.
Alot of our fears are based on past memories that are not accurate and is not a determinant of current or future experiences. I hope though that putting it in context – that this is so much bigger than you or me – will propel you in taking the step to REGISTER and TAKE that Vaccine.
For the more of us, that take the step to do this, the closer we all get to being closer to each other again. And connecting the way most of us love doing it. Face-to-Face and not mask-to-mask.
Share with me your experience! Let’s convince more to do this!!