This little girl is me ??♀️.
She was quiet kid. Happy in her own rich inner world ❤️.
She found the life and other people fascinating, she could spend hours exploring and observing. Or with her nose in a book ?.
She was also a bit stubborn (according to her mom – she wouldn’t agree!).
If she had had her way, she would have learned whatever caught her fancy, done whatever was fascinating in that moment and spent hours in deep discussions.
As she grew up, she felt like she lost her way a little – tried to fit in and be a ‘good girl’, and she was good at it.
She did her MBA, worked for 2 of the largest MNCs in the world – #Oracle and #Tata. She climbed the corporate ladder. Explored – Quality Management, Knowledge Management, Training, HR.
It wasn’t enough. But she didn’t know what was.
She is lucky though, she had the opportunity to move countries. And she did.
Big Bang!?
She started (it seemed) from scratch ?.
She became an #entrepreneur, a #trainer and #coach, a Reiki master. The Change Business completed 10 years recently.
? So today, she learns whatever catches her fancy, does whatever is fascinating in the moment and spends hours in deep discussions.
…While running her own business and raising 2 of the most amazing kids in this world.
Why am I telling you this? Because 70% of girls feel more confident about their futures after hearing from women role models.
This is for the #quiet ones. The not-rebels, the introverts. You are enough, you always were and you always will be.