Are you struggling to make #presentations when you’re in office and need to keep your mask on? ?
Here are 3 tips to make it easier:
1️⃣ Focus on your #VOICE – remember your audience cannot see your expressions, make your voice expressive.
How do you do that? Choose #keywords or sentences that you want to emphasise and change your voice as you say them –
-consciously slow down or speed up your pace
-change the volume of your voice – just for that bit
-take pauses before and after
✴️ This is the most important tip ?
2️⃣ Minimise #backgroundnoise – While you are used to it and may not even hear it, your audience is distracted.
Your microphone doesn’t distinguish between your voice and that of your colleague at the next desk
Before your start:
✅ Request your buddies for quiet
✅ Book a room
✅ If possible, use noise-cancelling headphones or a microphone – even at your desk
✴️ Always check with your audience if they hear you clearly and without interruptions
3️⃣ Choose the right mask – the most breathable mask you can find.
Since everyone has different preferences, you would need to try talking out loud for a few minutes in one before you choose it.
My favourite for presentations remains the Uniqlo Airism mask
Presenting with mask on is a different proposition from presenting with mask off – it needs preparation!
What tips would you add?
Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels