How can #virtualtrainings be useful in regional settings? Guess how many countries showed up in this workshop…
Not 1, not 3, not 5!
We had people join us from Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore and China!
Forgive the exclamation marks, I was very excited. And it was FUN.
But fun was not the only gain. Here are 2 more advantages of such a multi-cultural group:
1. #IDEAS – this is a workshop that I have been training for more than 3 years, and I had ideas come up that have not come up before. Ideas grow when they are fertilised by diversity.
2. #NETWORKS – relationships sprout in unlikely parts of the organisation. You meet people you would not normally meet. You can build networks of support.
Have you attended #virtualworkshops recently? What else can you add to this list of advantages?