TCB Meetup #4: Fake it till you make it: Do it or Ditch it?

may, 2022

30may7:00 pm8:00 pmTCB Meetup #4: Fake it till you make it: Do it or Ditch it?

Event Details

Wikipedia states that “Fake it till you make it” (or “Fake it until you make it”) is an English aphorism which suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek.”

Many attest to this having used this technique to become better at public speaking, sales or even being a better daughter-in-law.

Yet enough protest that it can be take too far and may even spillover into being a “toxic” way of being. That other people will see it as inauthentic, and that it may create mistrust.

What’s your take on it? Do it or Dirtch it?

Join us as we discuss the topic on…… at 7.00 pm on Zoom. See you there!


(Monday) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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