Do you agree with these results? I Don’t! Here’s why:
I was surprised by how few chose ‘They are Content Experts’ – because when I work with companies, this is where I see the most time being spent.
Time spent in establishing content expertise and creating content – the presentation, the report, the email.
And yet so few chose this as the TOP factor.
Maybe this was because we assume content expertise is a basic? that it has to be there in all cases?
As Deepak Mathur pointed out on the poll itself, content expertise is the key to having CREDIBILITY. (Interesting fact, all that chose this option are senior executives in their departments)
But, I do agree with the results in what came up at the top – They BUILD GREAT RELATIONSHIPS
Within organisations, this is the most important factor for #influence. Why?
1. Authentic #relationships get you noticed – in a good way. The more you are seen and heard, the more influence you have.
2. Six-degrees of separation – you have access not only to your own resources but those of your network.
3. Most importantly, research has shown that Human beings are hard-wired to connect. And, to follow or be influenced by those we connect with. Can’t argue with hard-wiring!
I am curious to know your opinion, if you agree with these findings, pls put an ‘Agree’ in comments. If not, pls put ‘Disagree’