“IT IS IN REFLECTION WE SHIFT DIRECTION” which is why we wish this had a different acronym! ?
Because we love the questions that the creator @John Spencer has put together for a way for all of us to reflect. Take stock. And set goals.
As John puts it, he could have easily gone for MILES or something like SMILE but as a kid he found SLIME to be sticky and fun.
And that’s exactly what he wants goal-setting to be for us. FUN & STICKY.
We are not one for resolutions but we like this set of questions as it makes us pause and ponder and put in some reflection time which we like to do.
So today and tomorrow that’s pretty much what we will be doing. Finding some alone and me time to do this.
We have various tools we like to use for reflection at the start of the year.
Do look out for The Change Business #meetups in 2022. We ran ten last year and hope to do 10 more in the next. And for our first one we love doing a #visualisation exercises combined with #reflection
Always fun. Always for one hour only. Maybe you can join us?
#change #transformation #believe