Have you heard of it before?
The rule of three is something we at The Change Business stress on in our THINK ON YOUR FEET and Presenting Intelligence workshops.
It is an effective tip to remember when preparing or delivering PRESENTATIONS.
And when answering questions as well.
For instance, for the main section or BODY of the presentation you can use three main points. This will help you focus on the most important information to share with your audience or support the message you are trying to convey and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much data.
When answering a not-so-simple question, you might need to explain, elaborate, or expand on a normally brief response.
For example, you could offer your 3 reasons why, 3 challenges to consider, or 3 questions to keep in mind.
Or you could use tried and tested 3- part structures that work like a charm.
In addition many photographers, advertisements and even brochure designers keep this rule in mind – as seen in the pic below.
To learn more about the Rule of 3s and 3-part structures that can help with your presentations and impromptu questions contact us.
And ask us about the THINK ON YOUR FEET and Presenting Intelligence workshops.
Contact Roshini at roshini@thechangebusiness.com
#thinkonyourfeet #presentationskills