For all the DO’s of Gratitude, there are also DON’Ts.
Turns out, when we take the time to step back and pause, we are able to really appreciate so much that we have— everything that we “take for granted”.
What are the Don’ts when it comes to gratitude?
Don’t overdose, over-do nor down-play the “thanks” you receive. Doing so can be uplifting and life changing for it enables you to really appreciate things.
But what about the Do’s?
The practice of GRATITUDE has 2 parts – one is DO build habits around taking stock and looking to your environment to deliberately notice positives in your work, with relationships and life. Which gives you a sense of joy and abundance.
The other is the DO express thanks to others, as you notice what you are grateful for about them, what they did or said, or just for their presence or contribution.
Cultivating a heart full of gratitude can contribute to a fulfilled life.
How do you practice gratitude?
We would love to hear your thoughts 🙂