Have you noticed that tasks take longer when you are feeling down? Or upset? Or frustrated?
And that the same task takes less time when you are feeling happy, enthusiastic and positive?
This has been borne out by research. Dr. Martine Seligman found that optimistic salespersons outsold pessimists by a whopping 56%!
A positive mindset boosts coping abilities, joy, and even your immune system
The important thing to note is
✅ Happiness preceded Success
(Shawn Anchor, The Happiness Advantage)
In other words, we need to practice being positive first – so that we can get these amazing results.
Like hitting the gym, you need to exercise your positivity muscle.
Hitting the gym feels hard and takes discipline – and so does developing a positive mindset.
Here are 2 disciplines that when done regularly can change your work life:
✅ Celebrate Small Wins
rather than celebrating when you meet your KPIs, celebrate each win along the way.
✅ Practice Gratitude
Gratitude at work creates a domino effect within the organization. Show appreciation towards your colleague, inspire them to “pay it forward”. Watch positivity spread.
Remember, positive thinking is a journey, not a destination. Consistent practice will lead to a happier, more successful you!
If you would like to know about how we can build happiness into our habits and work routines connect with us today