I am celebrating the completion of 12 sessions over the last 6 weeks where for twice a week, I spent on average of an hour and fifteen minutes, doing weight lifting and strength exercise.
It’s early days yet before reaching my goals but I feel so “powerful” for making then taking the decision to finally do this.
We all have very different reasons as to why we #exercise. For me it was never a priority and then there was no time right? I mean I am a Mum, running her own business. And I was too tired to do anything else. Sure, I had many say to me “Well you have to schedule it!” Roll eyes!
Then last year I found out why else my weight seemed out of whack – in spite of diets and bursts of exercising for weeks with no results.
I have hypothyroidism. I also have been told I am at risk of osteoporosis.
In Andrea Blair Cirignano’s article entitled “” she declares “Pass on the milk and grab a set of hand weights instead. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends weight-bearing exercise to build strong bones.
For me this is about a long-term mission to reverse some of the effects of my diagnosis. I want to be healthy and strong. And be around for as long as possible. For my son. And to see and experience all I can.
Whilst I have not seen any changes in the scales going down, nor have I noticed much yet with the fit of my clothes, in just six weeks I can feel a huge difference in my stamina.
Yes. #Stamina. Which has really surprised me.
I always associated weights with bulking up and body building. Not necessarily with endurance.
In the same article Andrea quotes Julie Lohre a personal trainer at FITBODY.com who says “Long term, the changes associated with adding strength training are incredible”.
“Yes, your body is going to become tighter and more defined. You will see huge increases in strength and endurance. But you can also expect to have more energy, to sleep better and to see a decrease in health concerns.” The benefits won’t appear over night but if you commit to a regular routine and stick with it, you’ll start seeing changes.
So since one of my challenges – with exercise only – was consistency, I have brought this amazing woman into my life. Chau is my neighbour, now trainer and fast becoming a firm friend (pardon the pun). I now have someone who literally is there to remind and encourage as I stay on track.
I am so grateful that she lives a few floors down from me in my apartment complex and that I can do everything in the privacy of her home. And I can’t believe that I am actually able to say how much I am enjoying all this pain.
See that poster on the wall? That is why I am in the #ChangeBusiness.
I just signed up for 24 more sessions!
- I celebrate that I am 56
- I celebrate that I am getting stronger
- I celebrate that I am making that change!
What more can I do to keep on track? What can I add? Do share with me your “secrets” for keeping at it.