There are 3 choices we have when we face setbacks or challenges, when things don’t go our way:
▪️GET BACK ON TRACK – we get up, brush ourselves off and continue on the same path that we were on earlier.
▪️FALL DOWN – and stay down, you may find you’re actually performing at a lower level than you were performing at earlier.
▪️FALL UP – use the challenges, the setbacks that you have faced, to bounce back even stronger, and even better than we were before.
And at different moments each of these is a good option. Sometimes we need to fall down and stay down for a bit. Sometimes we need to pick ourselves up and get back on track.
But, can you imagine what it would be like if you could fall up more often? So that as people, we are not only back at where we were, but we are at a level even higher, we are even stronger, even better?
Like the Japanese art of ‘Kintsugi’
Putting together something that was broken with gold.
And what does that do? It creates a very unique piece, something that nobody else has.
A unique piece that is stronger, better and more beautiful than it was before.
And we can do that by consciously choosing to ask ourselves:
“What can I LEARN from this?”
“What can I be GRATEFUL for in this experience?”
“What ELSE could I DO or SAY differently if this happens again”
So remember- WE ALWAYS HAVE AN OPTION. In the moment, scan your experience, and look around – Where would it be more useful for you to fall up faster? Share with us in the comments section! 🙂