Whilst there are many items on the “To DO” list to achieving long-term #joy and #happiness in our lives, there are equally as many things on the “Do NOT DO” list too. These are often not shared as much, yet i believe them to be as important if not more so – to overcome those deeper issues that stop us from finding joy.
I was therefore drawn to this wonderful visual created by Tanmay Vora based on #DukeUniversity‘s research on 8 factors of Happiness.
Whilst I do in general agree with everything here, Meenakshi Sarup and I would also say at our workshops on Rethink. Reset. Results.™ or add that
– There is no such thing as negative emotions – all emotions have wisdom in it, so sit with those emotions and try and understand the message or maybe even the insight it is trying to provide
– It is ok to wallow in a little self-pity now and then – the trick is not to let it get out of hand where it becomes a full-blown pity-party, Worse still one that does not seem to end. Have strategies in place to pivot
– Focus on finding a cause or community to contribute and add value to – magic formula in increasing our own state of joy.
– I love going back into the past. My suggestion if you find yourself there, aND it’s not comfortable – gather as many Nuggets of wisdom from there aND bring that back to contribute to a powerful present. And NOW.
LETS NOT REPEAT MISTAKES. – did someone not say that suffering or hardship or challenges are wasted if we have not gained the lessons from them?
What are your key factors in bringing in more joy into your life or your family or even that of the people you lead or work with? Do share with us.