What morning rituals do you have? Meditation? Prayer? Gratitude Journal?
I love hearing of and learning about how other people start their mornings and rituals they use to start of their day on the right foot. Over the years I have learnt a few and here are my favourites which I still do right now.
1. Start of my morning pre-seeding my day how I want it to go. I learnt this technique from Michael J. Losier and it is a mixture of visualisation and a mental “to-do” list I need to focus on
2. A short prayer comes from the practice of being taught this from a young age – Thank you mum! Where I incorporate positive thoughts for others and speak-out for what I am grateful for
3. Make-up my bed – I learnt early on that this simple act of doing something early on in the day and achieving something gives me a sense of “order”…and sets me up for the day.
I love this article from #hbr where the author talks about his own journey of taking all his ‘“will dos” out of the endless “could dos” and “should dos.”’
What are your morning rituals? What has worked for you?