There is so much wisdom within the #linkedin community to tap onto and so many generous souls to learn from. Maybe that is one of the best things about this space.
Weekends are my time to chill and take a break and be with family….and to find that odd hour or two to catch up on reading, learn something new or spend quality time with a LinkedIn connection.
Just spent a very fruitful one-hour with Chee-Seng, Lai who has been experimenting and trying out a variety of ways to increase reach for his posts. Here’s what I loved about his sharing….apart from the rich data of facts and figures that were so juicy to get in to.
1. STOP trying to “game” the system – it is not about that – it is about who you are, what you are about and providing value. There are some real pitfalls to relying on pods and squads to “like” your content.
2. VIDEOS may not necessarily be the best way to gain traction – I say Alleluia! to that – and you can gain more from DOCUMENTs and Text with Images….which is my go-to method anyway.
3. It is still THE place to build PROFESSIONAL AUTHORITY and you can develop real relationships – you got to put in the time though. Stop being a voyeur and just liking – do say something and something meaningful in comments. Not just for the sake of it of course.
#relevance #authenticitymatters #trustbuilding #thechangebusiness